
Venue Policies

Central Piedmont Community College Performance Facilities Venue Policies

  1. Central Piedmont Community College is a smoke free campus. No smoking of any kind is allowed inside the venues, on the grounds or in the parking lots.
  2. Water only is allowed inside the venues. No glass bottles, food or drink, or gum is allowed inside of the theater.
  3. Do not stand, sit or block the aisles or doorway entries. Please keep the pathways clear in the event of an emergency.
  4. In the event of an emergency, call our Central Piedmont Community College Security dispatch number 704.330.6911. 
  5. Familiarize yourself with where you are. Locate the nearest exit, shelter in place, AED device and the address/name of the building. Our staff is ready to assist if you have questions. Maps are located on our visit page
  6. Events must end by 10:00 pm. All patrons and groups must vacate the buildings by 11:00PM
  7. No events may occur during official college closings during winter break or emergency closings.
  8. The driveways to Overcash Performing Arts Center and Pease Lane are fire lanes. Do not park in the driveways. You may be ticketed, booted or towed.
  9. The loading docks are for loading and unloading only. Do not park for extended periods in the loading dock. You may be ticketed. booted or towed.
  10. We are host standing pre-event receptions. For detailed information on procedures, equipment and on-site catering, visit our catering and food policy page.
  11. No alcohol may be sold on campus.
  12. Merchandise may be sold with the approval of the Executive Director or their designee. 10% fee of the gross sales will be assessed on the settlement statement.
  13. All events require a certificate of insurance for more information on coverage levels and stipulations visit our Central Piedmont Community College Enterprise Risk Management site. Our Performance Facilities staff will assist you with any questions about insurance and we can provide you with a link to our special events insurance partner, Event Helper at the time of the license agreement issuance.
  14. Central Piedmont Community College has music license agreements with ASCAP & BMI. Clients who use music outside of these catalogues must license their music and pay the appropriate owner for the rights/ royalties.
  15. College events take precedence over community events. In order to remain flexible to the needs of the college, we do not book beyond one calendar year. 
  • Marketing:
  • Performance Facilities staff provides limited complimentary marketing services to clients using our Central Piedmont Box Office services.
  • All ticketed events will be listed on our Central Piedmont Community College website once the deposit for your event has been paid.
  • All ticketed events will be included in the email blast to subscribers at least one time on the month the event occurs.
  • A ticketing summary form will be provided to clients once Performance Facilities staff has confirmed a date and
  • has s signed license agreement.
  • Approved flyers may be posted on designated bulletin boards on campus.
  • We do not provide targeted marketing or the creation of social media pages or posts on Central Piedmont Community College channels. 

The description of your event for the tix.cpcc.edu website may not exceed three hundred words including spacing and punctuation.
Submit a high-res image or graphic with a headline title.
Flyers with large amounts of small font text will not be accepted.
Best practice for the email newsletter is a clear image or logo with not text other than the title of the event. The time, date and location are on the website.
REQUIRED IMAGE SIZE: 530 X 310 pixels   
Clients promoting on their own websites or creating flyers must refer to the college as Central Piedmont Community College or Central Piedmont. Using the CPCC language on client webpages or promotional collateral may result in a canceled event if not corrected.
Tickets will be placed on sale 72 hours after submission provided the Certificate of Insurance is on file and the deposit is paid.

Ready to hold your event at a performance venue at Central Piedmont Community College? 

  1. Submit an inquiry form (located below) to see if a date is available. If you are requesting a date the website indicates is already booked, we may not respond to your inquiry.  Please read the website inquiry form.
  2. Our team will confirm if a date is available and send you a link to our Welcome Client portal that includes an online application.
  3. An estimate will be crafted based on your needs based on published rates on the website.
  4. A license agreement will be sent with an event estimate.
  5. You will have 10 business days to review and sign the license agreement. If the license agreement is not completed in this timeframe, we reserve the right to release the hold on the date.
  6. Pay the specified deposit.
  7. Provide a Certificate of Insurance that includes the stipulations stated on our website or through our special event partner. Certificates of Insurance must be on file 45 days before the event. We reserve the right to cancel the event if the Certificate of Insurance is not on file within the specified timeframe.
  8. Complete a ticketed summary form if it is a ticketed event.
  9. Our Performance Facilities team will contact you to conduct an onsite tour or conference call to gather the specific needs of the event. 
  10. The balance for your event listed in the estimate is due the day of your event.  Any additional charges you may incur the day over your event will be billed at settlement. Settlement payments are due 5 business days after the completion of your event. A late charge of 1.5 percent of the total cost of your events may be assessed for late payments. Clients who do not reconcile the settlement in a timely manner will not be allowed back in the venues.
  11.  Our client portal includes information for methods of payment including over the phone payments without a convenience fee, a secure online payment portal link with a 4% convenience fee, purchase orders from state organizations, checks in person in Overcash Performing Arts Center, office 130, during regular Monday-Friday 9-5 business hours.  We do not accept checks through the mail.
  12. Additional policies may be included in your license agreement.
  • We look forward to hosting you!
  • The Performance Facilities Team